Course Restore

What Is It?

If a large amount of information and data has been accidentally deleted from your course, it may be possible to reinstate this information by doing a course restore. 

Please note that this is not our preferred way of retrieving information and we strongly urge faculty to be careful when deleting course information. Depending on the amount of information lost, we might work with you to recreate it, instead of pursuing a course restore.

The course restore process takes a minimum of 3 days for Blackboard or Canvas technicians to complete and they cannot guarantee that all lost data or information will be retrieved. It is recommended that you notify us as soon as possible after the deletion, and include the course ID, name, deletion date and time, and a brief description of what was lost.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?


Where Can I Get It?

Please submit a request with this service and include: Course ID, name, deletion date and time, and a brief description of what was lost.

How Do I Use It?

Please visit this "link" for more information on restoring courses or course content

Request Service


Service ID: 212
Thu 11/5/20 3:59 PM
Thu 11/17/22 11:55 AM