Accessing Adobe Acrobat on GU Devices

Accessing Adobe Acrobat on GU Devices

This document outlines how to find Adobe Acrobat on your GU Device. Adobe Acrobat is a software program that enables you to create, manage, and view PDF files.


You must have Adobe Creative Cloud installed on your device. Creative Cloud is a program from Adobe that will allow users to install (typically without needing to specify administrator credentials) and manage updates for the Adobe Suite of products including Adobe Acrobat.


Gonzaga-Owned PC

You can find Adobe Creative Cloud, and use it to install Adobe Acrobat using these steps

  1. Click the Search icon next to the Windows button at the bottom left.
  2. Type Adobe Creative Cloud into the search field.
  3. Click on the Creative Cloud App.
  4. If prompted to sign in, use your Gonzaga email and password.
  5. In the new window, click the All apps option at the top of the left side menu.
  6. Use the Search Creative Cloud bar at the top of the page to find Adobe Acrobat.
  7. Click Install. Once the install finishes, the button will read Uninstall.

Gonzaga-Owned Mac

  1. Click the Spotlight Search icon at the upper right corner of your screen (magnifying glass).
  2. Type Adobe Creative Cloud into the search bar.
  3. Click on the Creative Cloud app.
  4. If prompted to sign in, use your Gonzaga email and password.
  5. In the new window, click on the All apps option at the top of the left side menu
  6. Use the Search Creative Cloud bar at the top of the page to find Adobe Acrobat.
  7. Click Install. Once the install finishes, the button will read Uninstall.

Personal Device

To access Adobe Acrobat on your personal device you'll need to first have installed Adobe Creative Cloud. Once that is installed, follow the instructions above to install and access Adobe Acrobat. If you need instructions on installing Adobe Creative Cloud, see this article on How to Install Adobe Creative Cloud.

Need more help?

If you need more help with the Adobe Acrobat install, please create a ticket on the Support Portal using the Request Service button.