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Add or edit a Transact Payments Operator Account

Add an item to an existing or recently requested Transact Payments site

Please use this form to request that a new payments site be created for your department or club. If you’re not sure whether you already have a site or not, please submit a Transact Payments General Assistance ticket to inquire. A “site” refers to a URL with a “Title” and/or “Page Header” with a description of what the site is for (department name, club name, event details, etc.). Items need to be requested separately. This means, after this form is completed, you will need to submit the New Transact Payments eMarket Item form for each individual item you’re selling or accepting payments for.

Request a list of Transact Payments transactions once or on a regular schedule (daily, weekly, monthly).

IMPORTANT: For refund requests related to Tuition/Confirmation Deposits, Study Abroad Deposits, or Housing Deposits, please contact Student Accounts for assistance: